Dr. Jeromey Martini Saskatoon

Big news – exciting changes at MCS!

My name is Jeromey Martini and I have the honour of serving as the president of both Master’s College & Seminary and Horizon College & Seminary in an amazing cross-provincial partnership between the PAOC’s two longest-serving colleges.

Along with the incredible partnership between MCS and Horizon, there are several exciting changes happening at MCS. Let me list five!

5 Things to Know About MCS


We’re coming to you, Mississauga!

We’re relocating our administrative headquarters to Mississauga! Starting this summer, we’ll be operating out of the PAOC International Office with fresh offices, a library, and high-tech classrooms to broadcast our classes across Canada – and beyond!


Church Hubs are coming to you, everywhere else!

We’re partnering with up to 50 local churches to train leaders with MCS’s quality, accredited education while they are embedded and serving in a local ministry context!


MCS+Plus Programs with Mohawk and other community colleges!

Through partnerships with institutions like Mohawk College, MCS students can earn an MCS degree AND a certificate or diploma in areas like media studies, mental health, office administration, applied technology – and more!


Our seminary options have expanded!

In addition to the already great Pentecostal Seminary programs offered in partnership with Tyndale, the partnership with Horizon Seminary expands options to include MAs in Ministry Leadership, Clinical Pastoral Counselling, Biblical & Theological Studies, and an MDiv!


We’ve reduced tuition!

Partnership efficiencies means we have lowered our tuition to become one of the least expensive accredited Bible Colleges in Canada!

I invite you to explore our website on contact us for more information!

We’re so excited for what God is doing through this unprecedented partnership and hope this excites you, too!

Yours in Christ,

Dr Jeromey Martini ______________________
Dr. Jeromey Martini, President and Professor of New Testament Studies