A New Year, a New Season, A New Location
From the Alumni Association
Hello There,
This will be one of two announcements from the alumni today as we share some important and exciting news and updates from our Board of Governors.
Please join me in praying for Master’s College as our school’s leadership continues to work through this season of transition.
On behalf of the MCS Alumni Association Executive Team, it is an honour to serve!
Gary Adduono, Interim President MCS Alumni Association
From the Board of Governors
Dear Friends,
We have been so thankful for our MCS home at 780 Argyle in Peterborough. It has served us well for many decades. I have many wonderful memories from the time I spent there as a student. Over the past year we have begun to envision our future. We listened to our constituency and heard from over 300 pastors and credential holders, along with numerous current and potential students, regarding the priorities for training leaders in Eastern Canada.
You told us that the key priorities for training leaders for ministry are: Accessibility, Affordability, Competency, Sustainability, and being thoroughly Pentecostal. As we evaluated our present building through the lens of these five priorities, we realized that we needed a change of facility to optimize the training of future leaders. With our lease expiring this year, we have been searching for a new home that would augment these 5 key priorities.
After many months spent considering multiple opportunities, it is wonderful to be able to report that Master’s College and Seminary has a new home. By July of this year, MCS will be moving to the International Office of the PAOC in Mississauga. Since COVID, the PAOC has reduced its use of the space at 2450 Milltower Court in Mississauga and has been considering leasing part of the building. There will be room at International Office for classrooms, offices, media rooms, a library, and a student lounge area. This will be a win-win for both groups. This will be a perfect partnership and will assist us with our 5 key priorities.
1. Accessibility
2450 Milltower in Mississauga is one of the most accessible locations for the majority of our constituency in Ontario. It is just off of Highways 401, 403, and 407. It has plentiful and safe parking and is close to transit routes. A recent study said that more than 80% of Ontario students who enroll in post-secondary education attend a school within a two-hour drive of home. This ideal location also positions us to host night and weekend classes for many area leaders who may be co-vocational.

2. Affordability
Our landlords in Peterborough have treated us so well. We are here today because of their wonderful generosity. That being said, the size and maintenance of 780 Argyle is something we can no longer afford. A shared space partnership at International Office will help us reduce student costs and create a sustainable model of education.
3. Competency
The move to Mississauga will help us be close to the largest pool of competent academic and practitioner professors in Ontario. We will also be blessed to be able to invite International Office staff to guest lecture from time to time.
4. Sustainability
The move to Mississauga will provide us with a home that we can afford. It will also allow us to share resources as we work together. These resources will include some shared staffing and media equipment.
5. Pentecostal
The move to Mississauga will create greater alignment between the school and our Fellowship. It will be beneficial to all when our faculty and students see our general officers, Mission Canada and Mission Global staff on a daily or weekly basis. Maintaining a firsthand connection between our students and faculty and our Fellowship will yield wonderful fruit for all parties. The students will also be able to use the PAOC Archives for research and study.
We recognize that this is a major move. We will be working directly with our staff, faculty and students to ensure a smooth transition. Please be in prayer for the school, the faculty and staff, and the students as we prepare for this move in Summer 2024.
Rev. Jason D. Small, Chair of the Board
Master’s College & Seminary