Stephanie Christianson
MA in Theological Studies (Briercrest Seminary), BA in Biblical Studies and Pastoral Ministries (Bethany College)
Ministerial Credentials: Credentialed with the Mennonite Brethren Conference of Canada
Stephanie joins the MCS faculty through the partnership between MCS and Horizon. Stephanie has served at Horizon since 2018.
Courses Taught: Worldviews and Contemporary Culture
In her role at Horizon, Stephanie works with Horizon’s adjunct faculty, providing faculty-level administrative support to adjunct faculty in the areas of syllabi and rubric creation and online course management. She also assists adjunct faculty with overseeing and enforcing academic policy. She also provides support to the Deans of the College and Seminary.
Stephanie is married to Austin and they have two amazing little sons. Her research interests include Anabaptist-Mennonite studies, nonviolence, and the work of Miroslav Volf. She enjoys bubbling conversation, literature, TV crime dramas, and good music.