Preparing competent Christian leaders with the church, for the church.
Pastor Mark Scarr is excited to establish a Church Hub in Ottawa and be a part of training Christian leaders in the future generation.
Through strategic partnership, Horizon and MCS are establishing Church Hub learning centres in both rural and urban settings.
A Church Hub is…
A church-based learning centre that allows students to integrate their studies at Horizon and MCS with ministry and learning in their local church context.
A Hub can be designed to serve the specific needs of the church and will have at least one ministry leader designated as supervisor-mentor.
Is this something for YOUR church to consider?

Churches create a supportive learning environment for students and their peers by providing time and space to watch online class instruction and plugging them in to ministry service.
Benefits for Students and Churches
As an emerging leader serves in their own church, they will be shaped by the distinct vision and values held by that church.
James Schwab pastors in a rural church and has retained a student for ministry through distance education option.
“Win for the Kingdom of God!” Ontario pastor Jeff Hillier supports the idea of training students both academically and pragmatically through Church Hubs.
Church Hubs support ministries across our districts by serving students and churches where they are at. As more students engage in the day-to-day life of church ministry, we hope to see an increased sense of calling to full-time vocational ministry. Our world is facing a great need for competent, Spirit-filled leaders in our churches, both now and in the future.
What’s expected of a Church Hub?
Some Church Hubs will wish to invest more in students. This could include:
James Anderson serves his community in Neepawa, Manitoba while continuing his studies entirely online.
Josué and John share their perspectives on Church Hubs from the vantage point of both student and pastor.
New Hub at Legacy School of Ministry in Burlington, Ontario!
“We have been early adopters with the Church Hub and it has been amazing for our church and leaders. I don’t have to send my best leaders away – they stay and continue to serve while they learn in their context. I am very excited about all of this! I’m glad other districts can benefit from it!”
– Michael Fischer, Lead Pastor at Calvary Temple Brandon, MB

“Being able to take courses online enables me to continue my studies while fulfilling my calling as a Lead Pastor. One of the most valued parts of education is the classroom setting. A sense of community in the classroom, and the ability to learn from others, is paramount. The college did an excellent job of making online courses foster a sense of community and opened the door for me to learn from others.”
– Taylore Anstey, Arnold’s Cove, Newfoundland
Additional Considerations
- Has your church identified a potential student(s) who would join the Church Hub?
- Is your church interested in hosting students who do not currently attend your church?
- Do you have someone who can serve as a Supervisor-Mentor for students?
- How much, if any, support is the Supervisor-Mentor prepared to give to students with respect to time management, academic challenges, spiritual formation, and ministry growth?
- Would you want the college to provide most of the spiritual formation and ministry training for students, or would you desire to provide some of this for students? If so, how much?
- In what ways could you integrate students into the life of the church?
- How many hours of ministry service can your church provide to students?
- Are there any ways that you can support a student(s) to help them reduce the amount of debt that they need to take on to complete their studies?
- What tech and tech support, if any, is your church able to provide to facilitate courses?
Ready for the next step?
Talk to us about setting up a Church Hub in YOUR community by filling out the application form. If you have any other questions, email them to