
Here you’ll find schedules and calendars, helpful documents, and textbook information. If you are having trouble finding something, send us a message.

Student Forms

Apply for graduation, PLAR, Distance Education, or make changes to your studies on the Student Forms page >

College Course Schedule

24-25 Academic Calendar

College Student Handbook


Once you receive your Course Confirmation from the Registrar’s Office, order your textbooks listed in the link below.

College Textbooks

Make a Payment

By Credit Card

Contact the Finance Office at 1-800-295-6368 (ext. 253) and have your card ready.

By E-Transfer

Login to your online banking account and send your e-transfer to

By Cheque

Mail to Master’s College & Seminary, 2450 Milltower Court
Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 5Z6

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Populi is an online community used for course management, communication between professors and students, assignment submission, receiving and tracking grades, etc.