
The mission of the MCS Life Department is to work collaboratively with the institution to create and maintain a safe, empowering culture that effectively supports the holistic development of our diverse student body to realize their educational goals and personal ministry potential.

In summary, Student Life supports the student outside the classroom and finance. Under the new model of multiple educational options, opportunities will be offered to ensure there are strong supports for students studying at the Mississauga campus, in Church Hubs and online.

The Student Life Department is located at the Mississauga campus where the Dean of Students office resides.

Eldon Wright
Eldon Wright

Dean of Students
+1 (800) 295-6368 Ext. 226

College Student Handbook

Academic Success

Academic Success Centre (ASC)

The Academic Success Centre (ASC) offers students of all years and programs a place to receive assistance, support, and encouragement in time management and organization, study skills, and writing skills. Special seminars are offered each semester. Students are also invited to meet with the Director of the Academic Success Centre or Tutor Mentors by appointment or through the drop-in hours.

The ASC also works one-on-one with students at any stage of the writing process, from pre-writing an outline to polishing a draft. The ASC tutoring service is provided free-of-charge to every student at MCS.

Academic Probation

If you’re accepted to MCS on Academic Probation, the Academic Success Centre is here to help. You’ll be required to take your major assignments to the ASC for input from our tutors before submitting these to your professors, and the ASC Director will determine the frequency of regular mandatory appointments.

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)

If you come to MCS with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) from a previous educational institution such as High School, we are set up to support you. Our Educational Services staff are trained to work with you, and we will do our best to provide accommodations for your specific learning needs.

Wendy Holmes
Wendy Holmes

Director of the Academic Success Centre
+1 (800) 295-6368 Ext. 247

Accessible Learning Services & Accommodations

Accommodations are fundamental to support students with disabilities. While our supports and resources have some limitations, MCS will work to give students with disabilities access and the opportunity to succeed academically.

Students are responsible to ensure that MCS is aware of their request for accommodations. Students must provide the professional diagnosis and recommendations as outlined in the Medical Questionnaire. Note that student life and academic support is limited over the summer term.

Student Leadership

MCS greatly values student voices in the overall institution and involvement in the student community. This looks different and unique in the new diversified model of education throughout eastern Canada.

Student leadership roles give students opportunities to learn and implement practical concepts taught in the classroom, while practicing skills of administration, leadership, planning and programming. Your involvement at MCS also provides opportunities for you to connect with and be mentored by faculty and staff, who will be your greatest supporters.

The Organization of Student Leadership

Each church hub will have one student representing their church hub in the General Assembly of students. This assembly will meet occasionally to connect across our entire MCS student community, to contribute helpful feedback and ideas and to discuss relevant concerns.

The General Assembly meets online 1-2 times per semester.

Within each geographical grouping of church hubs, a Regional Student Representative will be identified to occasionally coordinate students in their region and plan 1-2 regional chapels and events during the academic year.

The Regional Reps Team will meet 2-3 times per semester to report on their region and to coordinate chapels and events to be conducted in their region and possibly shared via live-stream across the MCS student community.

2-3 upper year students are identified and form the Executive Council to coordinate and give leadership to all levels of the Student Leadership Team. This council will also provide valuable feedback, suggestions and objectively voice student concerns to be heard by the MCS administration.

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual formation is an important value at MCS, and healthy spiritual development includes personal devotional time with God as well as in community with other believers. In addition to your own personal spiritual disciplines and practices, you’ll also have opportunities to meet in small groups as part of your Ministry Formation course, in Church Hubs and at the Mississauga campus.

To give opportunity for spiritual life opportunities to be shared across the MCS community, scheduled Chapel services will be held at and live-streamed from the Mississauga campus as well as times when Church Hubs within a geographic region gather for a shared chapel / activity.

Ministry Travel Teams

Travel teams will be planned to broaden students’ ministry experiences as well as provide significant promotional opportunities for MCS. These trips will coordinate team members from the Main campus and from various Church Hubs. These teams are often worship teams invited to travel to churches or retreats to lead worship on weekends, but may also include requests for students to serve at conferences, youth conventions, etc.

college student worship team

Student Wellness

The Student Wellness Centre supports the emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being of our students.

We recognize that at times there may be issues that arise in our lives that need to be processed. Our process for supporting student wellness is within a warm, non-judgmental environment that is easy to access, regardless of the circumstances.

Students within Church Hubs may access the support and help they require at their Church Hub. When that is not a feasible option, the Dean of Students will help students obtain the support needed. Our goal is to provide students with a toolbox of resources that they can use to help them continue on their journey of spiritual, emotional and physical health.

Christian college students Canada